Usually we don’t
And that is because we have not asked them or we think we know what they want, when actually we only know what they need thinking that is their want.
It is this small difference that I see as the barrier for a lot of entrepreneurs from being successful. In fact, this is also very true for large established companies. We do not follow the path of taking their clients from what they want to what they need.
So what do people want, exactly?
1. To feel safe and secure.
One of the biggest motivating forces in our lives is the reinforcement of being safe and secure in our physical environment and the physical state of our brain. When we are not safe or secure, many physiological activities fire in our brain, and these influence our long term memory to remember this unsafe or insecure feeling. So generally, something new, nor not directly related to what we want will produce these feelings of being unsafe, or not secure, and we will move away.
2. To feel comfortable.
We all want to feel comfortable. We want to feel good, relaxed, and we want it to be at ease. How will I feel if I do this, is constantly being ask by our brain, and if it is not comfortable the we will not do it or buy it.
3. To be free to do what we want.
How many of us want to be told what to do? Very few! Remember your parent, teacher, or other adult telling you can’t do something, or to do something you didn’t want? Unless it was something you wanted, generally you did everything possible not do to it, even if it was something you needed. So telling someone what they need when it is not what they want, send them running.
4. To be surprised and excited.
More times than not, the thing that people will remember are those things that surprised them, or excited them. By giving your client what they want will not succeed at this, but by adding in a component (not everything) of what they need, will add a level of surprise and excite them, and start them on the path to trusting you and wanting more. Once you have surprised them the first time, each additional time you give them what they want, you add another element to surprise them.
5. To feel that they matter.
People want to feel worthy, and through satisfying their wants you are addressing them specifically and they will feel that they matter to you, because you gave them what they wanted. Nurture this feeling and actually let them know they matter to you… ah, they will be paying your bills J
Taking them on the journey
It is very difficult to be successful (in my opinion) if you are only focused on giving your potential clients those things you know they need. You must take them on the journey by finding out what they truly want, garner their trust in you. Then you nurture your client by giving them more of what they want with a little taste of what they need. Slowly over time you increase their trust and loyalty in you, and continually increase the amount you provide of what they need. Eventually you will find that they want what they need!!!!
Ok, I want to start the journey with you….
In the comments below, tell me what it is the you want from me.
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