
15 June, 2016

Celebrate and you shall receive

2017-01-02T10:51:51-05:00June 15th, 2016|Categories: Celebrate, Successes|0 Comments

The other day during a meeting, someone mentioned how they have been recognizing and celebrating the small successes in their day, and how this has had a compound effect in bringing additional successes and celebrations. So I thought to myself… “Self, what would happen if I tried celebrating the successes of the day.” So that evening I went to bed [...]

7 January, 2016

Celebrate the Disappointments

2017-01-02T10:51:51-05:00January 7th, 2016|Categories: Celebrate, Successes, Thoughts|0 Comments

Recently I was in a conversation with friends who are waiting for news which could literally change their lives for the positive. They said, if they get the news they want they will definitely celebrate, but they are prepared for the disappointment of getting the opposite news. This led me to say they need to celebrate whichever news they get. [...]

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