The other day during a meeting, someone mentioned how they have been recognizing and celebrating the small successes in their day, and how this has had a compound effect in bringing additional successes and celebrations. So I thought to myself… “Self, what would happen if I tried celebrating the successes of the day.”
So that evening I went to bed and did my usual Gratitude practice, but also I took a few minutes to think about the successes for the day. While the list was not large, it was worth remembering as a lot happened in the day. Some of the successes were small, like getting a document completed, to bigger things like learning a new skill for my videography. I actually found that falling asleep that night was easier than several of the previous nights, and I slept soundly through the night.
The next day started as normal, but quickly I noticed more positive occurrences happening, starting with a person forwarding a job opportunity they felt I was perfect for, and that they would contact the hiring manager on my behalf to recommend me. Then I found out a contractor reporting to me had been contacted for an interview for a position I recommended them for within my company. Now one would think that these two event would be sufficient for a good or great day. I would normally agree, but as I found myself celebrating these two events, several other things happened in the day in almost a snowball effect. So at the end of the day, as I laid down to sleep, I again did my Gratitude practice, and added my “Celebrate” practice. I listed out in my head all the events I needed to celebrate that day and had a small “party” in my head… wow hoo!
Now it has been several days doing this, and I have to admit, there are moments of things not to celebrate, but to be honest, celebrating at the time, and again before I go to sleep, those things that deserve celebrating, the other things are easily forgotten.
Not sure if it is actually something others can see, but I feel I am walking taller, a little more positive in my interactions, and generally finding I have a better outlook on the moment at hand.
Do you celebrate the big and small accomplishments each day? Please leave me a comment below with your thoughts.