After the conversation I started to consider how this advice would apply to myself, and the following came to me. As you know, I was an Air Traffic Controller in Canada (ok, officially I was in training for 3 years to become an Air Traffic Controller). While I did not succeed at being licensed to do the job and it was probably one of my biggest disappointments I have to realize (and I have shared this with people, but now it hits home) the successes I had. Here is some facts to consider…
- The year I applied 250,000+ people also applied
- Only 1,000 people passed the exam
- Only 64 people were given interviews
- Only 32 people went to pre-training
- Only 26 people went on-the-job training (this means talking to real planes in the air)
- Only 10 people made it pass the first 30 day of on-the-job training
- Only 3 people made it pass the first year of training
- Only 2 people were licensed as Air Traffic Controllers
WOW! did I ever succeed, and I do celebrate what I accomplished and learned about myself in those three years. And yes I was very disappointed, and could use the words devastated, as it turned my life upside down. But what it also did, was put me on the path that has led me to here today. If I had gotten my license there is so much I would not have done in my life and there are a lot of people I would not have impacted (back to the ripple effect).
So while it is true I can feel bad in those moments of “failure, disappointment, devastation”, I need to celebrate all those successes that put me in the position to have a opportunity to possibly “succeed”.
As I write this I am thinking of other times were things may not have occurred exactly as I had hoped, but I was in a position to have that hope, so I succeeded!
Now I know there are many of you out there either waiting for something to occur, working towards something that might change your life, or just “plodding” through everyday dreams, and I want you to take the time to stop and consider all the successes you have accomplished to get to this exact moment, and yes those “disappointments” should be considered successes because if it didn’t happen the way it did, you would not be where you are today.
And remember, if you are “disappointed” in the future, that is ok, as long as you also celebrate that you got to the opportunity.
Is there one disappointment you can remember that you now will celebrate as a success? Let me know below, as I really would appreciate reading your successes and help you celebrate.
Peace, light, and love