At the time I lived in Kanata which at the time was a suburb of Ottawa in Canada (Now Kanata is part of Ottawa). The local television station was developing a children show in which all the stories would be written by children in the area between 9 and 12 years old. The show was called “Pencil Box” and was shown on CBC Ottawa. I remember my class being asked to write stories which would be read to see if they would become a story on the show.
Well… I was one of those who actually had a story broadcast!!! I a pretty sure I still have the wooden pencil box I received as my “reward” at my parent home.
Ok… so what does this all have to do with “Giddy as a Kid”????
Yesterday, when I stumbled across a single YouTub video of one for the shows broadcast back then, it brought back so many memories, not the least of which was seeing a number of my classmates from that time being interviewed on the show. I recognized all the faces, but only could definitely remember one name, and thought I knew a couple of the others. So I started to see if I could get the video to the one person I definitely knew the name of, and was successful.
So as the day progressed I had to tell people about my find… I told my mother (of course, if only to see if she remembered names 🙂 ), I told friends in the office, and then at dinner I told my wife. It was while I was tell her that I realized how excited I was in finding the video and remembering that time in my life. I said to her, “Wow, I am giddy about this!” and she just smiled and probably thought I had lost my mind.
When I when on Facebook and saw that the person I had gotten the video to was sending it to her friends and family it again generated that kid in my and pure innocent joy. In the words of Ren and Stimpy… “Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy”
I have reached out to the television studio in the hopes they still have the shows on tape, and perhaps they can send me my segment, oh how giddy I will be if that does happen. In the meantime, I look forward to connecting with the other kids in the video, and remembering a more innocent time of my life.
Some of you might find this humorous to watch, but thought I would include anyways. It is the only recording of the show I could find so far of the original show. So please enjoy
What memories do you have of when you were pre-teen that brings back your Giddiness????
I would love to read your comments below.
Light, Love, and Peace